Have you ever heard the phrase, “Be careful for what you ask for, you just might get it”? In pulpits all across America Christians are challenged to Christ-likeness. It sounds real good, and certainly seems like a reasonable pursuit in light of Christ’s claim on our lives. Once the sermons on Christ-Likeness are given, there is generally a challenge by the pastor or an alter call inviting people to come and pray to be more like Jesus. In response people come forward sincerely and earnestly praying to God to make them like Jesus. After the service they go home and proclaim what a wonderful time of worship they had, and how God deeply touched them. It is a wonderful thing when God moves in and touches the heart. Yes, praise the Lord! Chalk up another good service for Jesus. Thank you God!
Then Monday comes. Time advances forward putting more distance between the trip to the alter and their present state. Life rushes by with things to do, people to see, kids to care for, places to go, and a ton of “have to’s”. Soon the visit to the alter and the blessing thereof is forgotten. Just another collected memory along their spiritual journey, even though the experience was real and the prayer was sincere.
But wait a minute! What didn’t happen at the alter? Oh sure there was desire for an anticipated end, Christ likeness, but there was no real thought as to how it is processed out by God. Did He take us seriously? If so, what begins to happen? How does He begin to make us Christ-Like? In light of our forgetfulness does God say, “Oh well, at least they were sincere”, and quit? Did we ever stop to think that God would say, “OK, I will take you at your sincere request, even if you have forgotten about it”? Let the process begin! At this moment most Christians are oblivious. The prayerful plea is filed away in some memory cell labeled, “Spiritual Experiences With God”. They forget that God doesn’t forget, and that He answers the deep yearning of the heart. He takes it seriously, even if for a season we don’t.
And by the way, what is the Christ-Likeness for which they yearned? Was it to be like the popular Jesus where everyone welcomes Him with shouts of praise and waves palm branches? Was it to be like the healing Jesus that amazed the crowds? Was it to be like the powerful Jesus Who performed miracles, or was it to be like the preaching Jesus Who spoke with boldness and great authority?
Certainly Jesus did all these things and it was good, but a major truth is missing. None of the above perfected Jesus to be what His Father wanted Him to be. Something was lacking. He had to suffer. He had to face crisis, sweating blood. He had to go to the cross. No one can be Christ-like unless they too go through suffering and crisis. God will see to it. So when it happens, don’t forget your prayer, “Lord, please make me like Jesus”. Prepare to be perfected by suffering. If Jesus could not be what He needed to be except by suffering, then don’t think for a moment you are exempt.
Heb 2:10 For it became Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory, to perfect the Captain of their salvation through sufferings.
Then Monday comes. Time advances forward putting more distance between the trip to the alter and their present state. Life rushes by with things to do, people to see, kids to care for, places to go, and a ton of “have to’s”. Soon the visit to the alter and the blessing thereof is forgotten. Just another collected memory along their spiritual journey, even though the experience was real and the prayer was sincere.
But wait a minute! What didn’t happen at the alter? Oh sure there was desire for an anticipated end, Christ likeness, but there was no real thought as to how it is processed out by God. Did He take us seriously? If so, what begins to happen? How does He begin to make us Christ-Like? In light of our forgetfulness does God say, “Oh well, at least they were sincere”, and quit? Did we ever stop to think that God would say, “OK, I will take you at your sincere request, even if you have forgotten about it”? Let the process begin! At this moment most Christians are oblivious. The prayerful plea is filed away in some memory cell labeled, “Spiritual Experiences With God”. They forget that God doesn’t forget, and that He answers the deep yearning of the heart. He takes it seriously, even if for a season we don’t.
And by the way, what is the Christ-Likeness for which they yearned? Was it to be like the popular Jesus where everyone welcomes Him with shouts of praise and waves palm branches? Was it to be like the healing Jesus that amazed the crowds? Was it to be like the powerful Jesus Who performed miracles, or was it to be like the preaching Jesus Who spoke with boldness and great authority?
Certainly Jesus did all these things and it was good, but a major truth is missing. None of the above perfected Jesus to be what His Father wanted Him to be. Something was lacking. He had to suffer. He had to face crisis, sweating blood. He had to go to the cross. No one can be Christ-like unless they too go through suffering and crisis. God will see to it. So when it happens, don’t forget your prayer, “Lord, please make me like Jesus”. Prepare to be perfected by suffering. If Jesus could not be what He needed to be except by suffering, then don’t think for a moment you are exempt.
Heb 2:10 For it became Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory, to perfect the Captain of their salvation through sufferings.
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