And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may overshadow me. 10 Therefore I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am powerful. 2Co 12:9-10
In order to grow muscle in bodybuilding one must work the muscle to exhaustion. This is accomplished by lifting the weights with several repetitions until the muscle can’t lift the weight anymore. The exhaustion causes signals to be sent to the brain telling it that the muscle being exercised needs more help. Thus, more muscle cells are created to meet the demand of the greater requirement placed on the muscle.
Think about it. In bodybuilding the key to future strength and growth in the body is caused by weakness or exhaustion. If the body can lift the weight with no exhaustion there is no need to create new cells. The person can lift the weight but will never grow or exceed present capacity.
In the same way God has set forth the exhaustion principle so we may grow as Christians. God will allow trials in our life that are heavier than our capacity to handle. They are really gifts of grace so that we become strong in the Lord. Where these trials are absent, there is no growth. The apostle Paul realized this principle in his own life. His weakness resulted in greater strength.
A person in bodybuilding that doesn’t increase his weights will never achieve his potential. He must be pushed beyond himself. A bodybuilder will always use a “Spotter” in order to go beyond himself. Once the bodybuilder’s muscle is exhausted, the Spotter helps him to finish the repetitions. The weight is impossible for the bodybuilder to lift so the Spotter comes to his aid. The end result of a bodybuilder working with a Spotter is a lot more size and strength.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our Spotter. God allows trials into our lives that are to heavy for us to handle. We are exhausted in our own capacity and discover His strength. As a result, we discover that our weakness actually produced new growth. With this new growth comes greater understanding and faith that helps us to be more willing to tackle other things bigger than ourselves. Remember, most anything God calls us to do by way of vision or trial will always exceed our capacity. But thanks be to God our heavenly Spotter will always be there as our supply of strength to get the job done.
This produces glory to God and growth to us. It is not easy, nor is it pleasant, but it yields a Christ-likeness and strength that can’t be gotten in any other way.
Eph 6:10 Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
In order to grow muscle in bodybuilding one must work the muscle to exhaustion. This is accomplished by lifting the weights with several repetitions until the muscle can’t lift the weight anymore. The exhaustion causes signals to be sent to the brain telling it that the muscle being exercised needs more help. Thus, more muscle cells are created to meet the demand of the greater requirement placed on the muscle.
Think about it. In bodybuilding the key to future strength and growth in the body is caused by weakness or exhaustion. If the body can lift the weight with no exhaustion there is no need to create new cells. The person can lift the weight but will never grow or exceed present capacity.
In the same way God has set forth the exhaustion principle so we may grow as Christians. God will allow trials in our life that are heavier than our capacity to handle. They are really gifts of grace so that we become strong in the Lord. Where these trials are absent, there is no growth. The apostle Paul realized this principle in his own life. His weakness resulted in greater strength.
A person in bodybuilding that doesn’t increase his weights will never achieve his potential. He must be pushed beyond himself. A bodybuilder will always use a “Spotter” in order to go beyond himself. Once the bodybuilder’s muscle is exhausted, the Spotter helps him to finish the repetitions. The weight is impossible for the bodybuilder to lift so the Spotter comes to his aid. The end result of a bodybuilder working with a Spotter is a lot more size and strength.
The Lord Jesus Christ is our Spotter. God allows trials into our lives that are to heavy for us to handle. We are exhausted in our own capacity and discover His strength. As a result, we discover that our weakness actually produced new growth. With this new growth comes greater understanding and faith that helps us to be more willing to tackle other things bigger than ourselves. Remember, most anything God calls us to do by way of vision or trial will always exceed our capacity. But thanks be to God our heavenly Spotter will always be there as our supply of strength to get the job done.
This produces glory to God and growth to us. It is not easy, nor is it pleasant, but it yields a Christ-likeness and strength that can’t be gotten in any other way.
Eph 6:10 Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
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