Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1Pe 1:3
There was a woman in need who came to stay with a mother who had two children. The needy woman was so thankful and caused no trouble. She helped around the house and was pleasant to be around. However, the mother’s two children were sometimes lazy, they griped and complained, often they were not as thankful as they should have been to their mother, rebellious at times, and somewhat spoiled.
As time went on the woman that had moved in with the family discovered the inheritance the children were going to get. She came to the mother and demanded that she get a share of the inheritance because of her diligence and good works in the home.
The mother informed her that the inheritance was only for her children. The woman then declared that because of her good works that she also was the mother’s child. Surprised by the ridiculousness of the statement she told the woman that the children were hers through birth. She alone had birthed them into the world and that all the good deeds of anyone could not make them her child. She refused to accept the woman as her child and the idea that she had right to any inheritance.
You probably agree that the woman staying with the family was ridicules to think she was the mother’s child and deserved inheritance just because she did good things. But how is she unlike people who think because they are religious, full of good deeds, and nice that they too should receive heavenly inheritance and be considered children of God.
All of God’s children come into that relationship through birth. That is the only way God identifies any of His children. This is why Jesus said, “Except a man be “born again” he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. ( Jn. 3:3) The Apostle Paul made it plain that new birth comes by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. . Gal 3:26 )
Dear reader you must understand this precious truth. A not so wonderful child of God is completely accepted and receives inheritance because he/she is identified through birth as His children. A wonderful sinner is rejected because he/she has no birth identity.
No one can come to heaven or be a child of God through personal merit, deeds or anything else. We must be born a second time in order to become God’s child.
It isn’t hard to understand. Our children are not our children through performance but through birth. They have shortcomings but they are ours. Other people’s children may behave better than our own but that doesn’t make them our child. The same is true of God. There are wonderful sinners out there that are religious, moral, kind and benefit society, but that doesn’t make them a child of God. So the question is:
Do you have The "Born Identity?”
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