"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matt. 7:3,4
There are more Christian ophthalmologists in the churches than you would imagine. They are everywhere! They diligently seek patients on which to practice their surgery. To make an appointment one doesn’t need to find them, they find you! Most of them seem to graduate at the same institution called “Splinter Picker College”. They are a happy lot as long as they are practicing surgery on other people. They feel so righteous and spiritual as they help others along life’s path.
However, there are a few Christian ophthalmologists that go to “Big Log University”. Few graduate from this awesome university because it is so demanding on each student. It seems that each student goes through voluntary eye surgery so they are enabled see with perfect vision in order to help the truly needy. It is very humbling for them to confess obstructions of their own sight. After the surgery they must constantly apply a specific kind of eye salve that that maintains perfect vision. (See – Rev. 3:18)
These eye doctors never come to another person to do surgery unless they have truly searched out their own condition, making sure they have pure motivation, which is born out of the love and compassion of God.
The “Splinter Picker” graduates have an ongoing feud with the “Big Log graduates”. The Splinter Pickers are convinced that the Big Log grads didn’t have the right kind of surgery. They are very demanding that things should be done the right way, their way.
Discovering and removing the specks of others convince them the kingdom of God is improved. They are a gregarious lot and have a lot of fellowship with other groups of people in the church. Groups like “the joy killers” “the water brigade” (You know, the ones that like to douse the fire of God) and “the strong Christians” (Those are the ones who sit in the back of the church who fold their arms over their chests and grit their teeth).
It is amazing how gifted the Splinter Pickers are. It seems that most of them have the gift of discernment, hearing God on a regular basis concerning other people’s splinters. Their favorite line is “God told me to tell you” or “the Lord led me”. I find it interesting they never seem to hear from God about wonderful things concerning people. When they come towards you, you can see the tweezers dangling.
I want to give a little advice when they approach. (unless you are ready for a feud or willing to be declared as a non-receiving defensive person) Under no circumstances point out any obstructions in their eyes. It is generally best to thank them for their concern and that you will take the matter to God. A Splinter Picker convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still.
Does it sound like I have had a lot of experience with Splinter Pickers. Oh yes, Splinter pickers are extremely drawn to pastors, but they will do surgery on anyone. Final advice. If you must be an eye doctor, go to Big Log University!
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